Process documents:

These are the main documents that have been produced to date by the City, the FTA, OMPO and ourselves in the current National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) process for the Honolulu High-Capacity Transit Corridor Project. We would appreciate readers informing us of any dead links, missing documents, etc. In addition if there is any further information that you need on the process email us at


We suggest that you start with's protest letters to the U.S. Secretary of Transportation and the Chairman of the Council on Environmental Quality as this will put the NEPA process for this project in better perspective.


For historical perspective:

1982 Rail program:

FEIS 1982 Rail transit program

FEIS 1982 Rail transit program — Comments and Responses


1992 Rail program:

FEIS 1992 Rail transit program,

FEIS 1992 Rail transit program Appendix B

FEIS 1992 Rail transit program Appendix C


2003 Bus/Rapid Transit (BRT) program:

FEIS 2003 BRT program, Vol I.

FTA's Recision of its Record of Decision


Guiding National Environmental Policy statutes and guidance:

The National Environmental Policy Act of 1966, as amended.

Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users. (SAFETEA-LU)

40 CFR 1500 CEQ regulations.

23 CFR 450 for transportation planning.

23 CFR 771  Environmental Impact and related procedures


Historic Presevation statutes:

Section 106 process.

Overview of Section 4(f)

23CFR774 Relating to 4(f) approvals.

FHWA Section 4(f) Policy Paper

49 USC 303 U.S. Code

Interior's review handbook of Section 4(f)evaluation.

US DOT's Final Rule on 4(f)


Hawaii State environmental statutes

HRS Chapter 343 Environmental Impact Statements

Hawaii Administrative Rules for Environmental Impact Statements


Process documents for the current elevated rail program:


Authorizing the increase in GE Tax to be spent on rail:

Hawaii HB 1309 HD 1 SD 2 CD 1 ca. May 2005


Preparation of the Oahu Regional Transportation Plan:

OMPO Draft Oahu Regional Transportation Plan (Draft ORTP) 2/15/06

HT's Comments on the Draft ORTP  3/15/06

HT's Comments on the Draft ORTP modifications. 3/31/06

Final ORTP

Protest letter to FHWA's Elizabeth Fischer regarding OMPO's lack of public involvement  04/02/2007


First Scoping process:

Federal Notice of Intent to perform an Alternatives Analysis (AA) and Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) 12/5/05

First Scoping Information Package 12/5/05.

Honolulu Council Bill 40  December 2005

HT's First Scoping comments.  1/9/06

First Scoping Report 4/6/06

City's response to HT's First Scoping comments. 6/20/06 (actually delivered by email one year later)


Alternatives Analysis process:

Draft Environmental Consequences: Supporting Information. City.10/26/2006

Alternatives Analysis Detailed Definition of Alternatives. 11/1/2006

Transportation Impacts Report.

Alignment Plans and Profiles:

AA Capital Cost Estimates (lge. file 611 pages.) October 23, 2006.

AA Funding Options Analysis.   10/30/2006

Alternatives Screening Memo 10/24/2006

Alternatives Analysis. City. 11/1/06.

AA Financial Feasibility Report.  11/30/2006.

Report of the City Council Transit Advisory Task Force  12/14/2006

Honolulu Council Bill 79 (2006) CD 2 FD2 Final #2   12/22/2006

Honolulu Council Resolution 07-039 FD1 (C) Approving the Minimum Operable Segment (MOS)


Second Scoping process:

Second Federal Notice of Intent  3/15/2007

Second Scoping Information Package.  03/15/2007

HT letter to DTS Director Kaku re the Second Scoping package and NOI. 04/13/2007

HT Comments on the Second Scoping Meetings  3/18/2007

Second Scoping Report  5/30/2007


Subsequent matters:

Request for Information from City Administration to prospective suppliers.   

Initial Draft Bill 80

City Administration Testimony opposing passage of Bill 80

Council resolution 07-736 CD1 FD1  Establishing the panel to select fixed guideway technology.

HT letter to the U.S. Secretary of Transportation

HT letter to the Chairman of the Council on Environmental Quality

Dr. Martin Stone's comments.

HT letter to FTA's Leslie Rogers


Initiative process to put rail on the ballot:

Letter John Carroll, SRN's attorney, sent to the City Clerk

Response from the City Clerk

Second letter sent by John Carroll to the City Clerk

The relevant excerpts from the City Charter relating to initiative.

The full City Charter .

Layman's Guide useful to understanding the Charter provisions.  


The Draft Environmental Impact Statement process:

Original Yoshioka letter to Council re "20 Lies" issue with our glosses.

Draft Environmental Impact Statement 2008 (official version).

Draft Environmental Impact Statement 2008 (ours, consolidated and decrypted)

DEIS Supplemental Technical Reports.There are 20 of them online here on a variety of subjects.

Comments from individuals and both public and private organizations on the Draft

Comments of the National Trust for Historic Preservation.'s comments on the Draft EIS

City's Response to's comments on the Draft EIS. (includes City's first statement that traffic congestion will be worse with rail.)


Entry into Preliminary Engineering (PE):

FTA's Project Management Oversight Contractor Report (Jacobs Report)

Financial Plan to enter Preliminary Engineering. May 2009 updated to August 2009.

Letter from Toru Hamayasu to FTA's James Ryan of August 12, 2009.

FTA Financial Assessment prepared by Financial Oversight Management Contractor

Internal FTA memorandum discussing Honolulu's rail project dated October 7, 2009.

HT to FTA re MLA as "prudent and feasible avoidance alternative." November 4, 2009.

FTA permission to City to enter PE


Final EIS process:

Letter from FTA Administrator Rogoff to Mayor Hannemann

Comments of consulting parties on the PA.

Final EIS's comments on the Final EIS

Our comments to EPA re the Final EIS shortcomings.  July 13, 2010.

Governor's Report on the Final EIS financial plan by IMG & CBRE.

City's response to the Governor's Report.

Section 106 Programmatic Agreement -- latest draft January 4, 2011.

FTA's Record of Decision

City press release on Rep. Mica's views on the project. letter to Leslie Rogers re use of 5307 funds


Entry into Final Design process:

April 2011 Draft Financial Plan submittal for entry into Final Design

September 2011 Draft Financial Plan submittal for entry into Final Design

FTA's acceptance of city's entry into final design.


Letter of No Prejudice (needed to begin construction of rail supports)

HART requests a Letter of No Prejudice. 1/8/2012.


Documents the federal district court required for FTA to comply with a court order:

Draft Supplemental EIS  6/1/2013

Draft Supplemental EIS Appendices. 6/1/2013. plaintiffs comments on the Draft SEIS.  July 22, 2013.

Cliff Slater's comments on the Draft SEIS. July 22, 2013.  


For legal documents go to Legal Process Docs.


Please report errors and omissions to:

Last revision 1/21/12