honolulutraffic.com Offering cost-effective ways to reduce traffic congestion in Honolulu |
OVERVIEW OF MISREPRESENTATIONS From the outset in early 2005, the Mayor, city employees, and city consultants have misrepresented many aspects of rail transit’s effects on our community. Here are the links to some of them: The city has produced three radio spots that we know of and they are highly misleading. Here are our comments on the three spots: #1 #2 #3 InfraConsult LLC is a non-bid consultant to the city whose management is comprised of former Parsons Brinckerhoff employees. They run the "Public Outreach Program" for which they hired Elisa Yadao for $500,000 as its program manager. Dr Prevedouros had written a paper on 20 reasons why we should choose bus technology. That was criticized by Infraconsult's Managing Director, Michael Schneider and we commented on it. Our comments on Infraconsult's Response to Dr. Prevedouros' “20 Reasons” Our comments on Parsons Brinckerhoff's misrepresentations during a radio program. Our comments on the City’s claims for reduced traffic congestion The Administration continually refers to the congestion relief that will be the outcome of building rail transit. We give examples of the many uses of it by the City and excerpts from their own documents showing that they anticipate greatly increased traffic congestion with rail. The City must stop saying “Light Rail” when the correct term is “Heavy Rail.” Our comments show clearly why the rail lines characteristics fit the definitions of “heavy rail” used by both the Federal Transit Administration and the American Public Transportation Association. The City must stop pretending that all rail lines are more energy efficient than automobiles; federal energy data clearly show they are not. Read our comments on the City’s misleading statements about prospective energy savings. |